January 16, 2024
I ended up basically adding nothing to this site over winter break LMAO. I'm determined to work on it more now though, I like having some sort of project to work on at all times so I'm making this my priority for the foreseeable future. I am back at school now so time is more limited, but I just really want to add more to my site. Here's to hoping I can actually get stuff done lol.
Speaking of school, today is the first day of classes but I don't actually have any classes today so I'm just chilling. I got a head start on some upcoming assignments but I already finished those so now I'm just doing whatever. I did some reading, rode around on the bus for a bit and now I'm sitting down to write stuff for the next page in my Megami Tensei section. I'm hoping to finish the writing part today so I can sketch out the site layout tomorrow. I also have like nothing tomorrow lmao. My one class isn't until the evening so my whole day before then is free. It's kinda great ngl.
I'm also majorly enjoying the weather here. It doesn't snow where I'm from but it does here and so far the novelty of a snow day hasn't worn off. It just looks so pretty outside, I love it.

December 13, 2023
I'm finally back to working on this site after about 9 months of stepping away from it. Life just got busy lol. I graduated high school and started college so I haven't really had much time for hobbies. Now that winter break is coming up though, I'll have a lot more time to code so I'm very much looking forward to that :3
I know for sure that I want to add more to my Megami Tensei page, but I'm not 100% sure on what I want to add next. I think I want to make another page solely about Digital Devil Story; but, I also REALLY want to make some about Devil Summoner since it's my favorite spin off. Alas, I kinda want to go in order of what came first so the original novels may even get their own page next. Idk. I'll have a lot more time to dedicate to this site soon enough. But until the 22nd, I have other things to focus on. Wish me luck lads.